I cannot even begin to tell you how frustrating certain aspects of web site development have been for me. Starting from scratch and learning HTML, to CSS, then moving to Dreamweaver within 6 weeks was an overload. So to create this site from scratch in about a week and a half was a feat in itself. (And to think I just wanted to skip ahead to making it pretty, thank goodness we started out with HTML, because knowing that is how I was able to fix mistakes better than with Dreamweaver's automatic settings). Then just when you think everything is under control and on schedule a kink is thrown your way. Simple things became more difficult than they needed to be because I couldn't even think straight after so many hours of staring at the computer. Sending my site to the remote server was what set me over the edge, so I finally figured out how to at least get it to the school's server in time to turn it in. Well, no more weird web address - I got it where it belongs, without any frustration today!
Make sure you bookmark www.LaurelHighlandsArtisans.com
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